Empowered Communities Initiative
To help more women and girls in Australia access ESD+ training, we are focusing on our national initiative called "Empowered Communities".
The goal for this capacity building project is to provide ESD+ Facilitator Training to as many communities throughout Australia as possible.
Help us create Safe, Resilient and Empowered Communities
Why the Initiative?
This initiative came about after one of our strategic planning sessions at Empowered Today. We knew we wanted every
woman & girl in Australia to have access to ESD+ training but were frustrated by how long that process was taking on our own.
Lisa Evans, our president, likes to think big. After asking herself the question "How do we practically scale what we are doing in the Northern Rivers region, to reach communities all over Australia?", the answer became clear. We empower those communities with the knowledge & skills necessary to be self-sustainable and service themselves with ESD+ programs.
And so the initiative began...
How does the initiative work?
The vision behind the initiative is to build a nation-wide network of facilitators offering ESD+ programs in their local area.
This approach will help us reach the most at-risk populations throughout Australia, in particular, regional, rural
& outback communities.
We plan on doing this by offering ESD+ Facilitator Training to key community members in as many regions of
Australia as possible. This capacity-building project empowers each community with a local team of
well-placed people, capable of going on to offer ESD+ programs within their region.
By coordinating with local councils & organisations, we invite those working in the community services sector
(family / women / youth / mental health services), teachers, university support staff, martial arts teachers
and any other individuals/organisations that are committed to offering Women's Empowerment and Resilience
programs to their local community.

Help us empower your community...
How can you help?
Whether you are able to offer funding or want to contribute by being an advocate or liaison in your community... reach out to us
Together we can make this vision a reality!!
We are currently looking at ways to ensure our facilitator training can be accessed at low or no cost.
We welcome financial support and partnerships/sponsorships with any government, council or community partners keen to help us empower more women and girls.
We also encourage communities to secure their own funding through local sponsorship or fundraising campaigns.
If you are a government body or organisation that is committed to empowering women and girls and have funding available...invite us to hold a Facilitator Training in
your town.
Alternatively, if you have a venue in your town that we can access for free...please reach out to us. This could create the opportunity to
run a low-cost training where full funding is not unavailable.
If you would like to see an ESD+ Facilitator Training go ahead in your locale, you could help make that happen by advocating for us in
your community.
Spread the word about our training and if you are able to create enough interest/commitment from your community we can work together
to make it happen.
​Contact us to request an ESD+ Facilitator Training in your town.
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